Wednesday, March 16, 2011

(1)Shakespeare's company erected the storied Globe Theatre circa 1598 in London's Bankside district.
(2)It was one of four major theatres in the area
(3) The Burbage brothers, their chief carpenter, and a party of workmen assembled at the Theatre on the night of December 28
(4)The men stripped the Theatre down to its foundation, moved the materials across the Thames to Bankside, and proceeded to use them in constructing the Globe.
(5)In 1613  the original Globe Theatre burned to the ground when a cannon shot during a performance of Henry VIII ignited the thatched roof of the gallery.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

High School

So far this year high school is ok.  I am not doing as well as I did in the middle school because the work is harder but I have more fun here. I feel very successful this year because I am trying.


I was not much of a reader before I came to the high school. Now that we have SSR I read a lot and i'm a fast reader but I still read just to get threw it I do not enjoy reading. I will probably not read by choice but I will when its assigned in a class.

Blog Review

I think writing on a blog makes me spell better and double check for mistakes because a lot of people could be reading my post. I try harder when I writing on my blog because I don't want to look stupid in front of people. For my goal I think I will instal a counter and try to make my blog look cooler

Jared Lee Loughner

         A man from Arizona named Jared Lee Loughner committed a shooting. Jared killed six people and is being tried for the death penalty. Jared can not deni  doing this because there were 150 witnesses Jared is trying to avoid the death penalty by saying he has a troubled mental state. 
I think Jared Lee Loughner should get the death penalty. In my opinion it doesn't matter what mental state you are in if you kill someone you deserve to die. If you are mentally troubled    enough to kill some one you shouldn't be around people.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chess Rumble

The book Chess Rumble is about an angry young African American boy named Marcus. Marcus is a trouble maker that needs to clean up his act. He gets in fights almost every day it could be with his principal, mom, little brothers or the kids at school. Marcus likes to call him self the Hulk because he is big strong and angry.

Marcus has some big problems that make his life hard. His sister died recently and because of his sisters death his dad left the family. Marcus has a problem with a kid at school witch has caused him to get in a lot of trouble.

Marcus meets a man called CM (chess master). CM teaches Marcus how to play chess and to take responsibility for his own actions. Marcus decides to take his fighting off the streets and on to the chess board. 

I liked this book because I could some what relate to the main character because I could understand his anger. I would recommend reading this if you are between the age of 12 and 16 and have a anger problems or have grown up on the streets. If you do not like reading that much
thats ok because chess rumble is not a long book.

This book was written by G. Neri.

The Vine That Grew Up The Tree

 Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it
learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping it's dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.

   Did you hear about the vine that grew
   up the side of a tree?
   Proving nature’s law is wrong it
   learned to climb without having hands.
   Funny it seems, but by killing the tree
   it grew higher and higher in the air
   Long live the vine that grew up the tree
   It will move on to the next tree when this one is dead.