Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chess Rumble

The book Chess Rumble is about an angry young African American boy named Marcus. Marcus is a trouble maker that needs to clean up his act. He gets in fights almost every day it could be with his principal, mom, little brothers or the kids at school. Marcus likes to call him self the Hulk because he is big strong and angry.

Marcus has some big problems that make his life hard. His sister died recently and because of his sisters death his dad left the family. Marcus has a problem with a kid at school witch has caused him to get in a lot of trouble.

Marcus meets a man called CM (chess master). CM teaches Marcus how to play chess and to take responsibility for his own actions. Marcus decides to take his fighting off the streets and on to the chess board. 

I liked this book because I could some what relate to the main character because I could understand his anger. I would recommend reading this if you are between the age of 12 and 16 and have a anger problems or have grown up on the streets. If you do not like reading that much
thats ok because chess rumble is not a long book.

This book was written by G. Neri.

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